The Region 10 Technical High School Cooperative Board is proposing the creation of Maine’s first specialized, four-year, full-service technical high school. We envision a rebranded, newly designed, and highly innovative magnet school that prepares Maine’s students to powerfully take their place in, provide stability for, and assume leadership of the rapidly shifting labor market in Maine. The school will be designed and operated in partnership with regional businesses, industries, and post-secondary educational and training institutions to offer streamlined pathways for Maine students to succeed in and bolster Maine’s labor force and economy. Such a school will serve the interests of the students and the economy in equal measure, supported by technical program design and curriculum that dynamically reflects the shifting needs of industry, ongoing technological innovations, and responsive 21st Century skills and attitudes needed by its workers.
- to prepare for high wage, high demand careers in Maine
- to develop the interests and strengths of our students
- to stimulate the partnership between Region 10 and prospective employers in the Mid-Coast area
- to provide uninterrupted coordinated learning time
- to provide students with powerful, relevant, flexible pathways towards post secondary education and employment
- Integrated, rigorous, relevant academics and focus on 21st century skills employers need
- Envisioned is a full service school, with both academic classrooms and shops/labs as well as a cafeteria, library, gym, sports teams etc
- The involvement in CTE would be progressive
- Grade 9 exposes students to different programs and career possibilities
- Grade 10 begins to emphasize on the field of first choice
- Grade 11 provides more specialized focus on technical studies in chosen field
- Grade 12 expands and diversifies technical studies with emphasis on certification, pre-apprenticeship, internships and gaining college credit through dual or early enrollment options.
- Provides a well prepared work force to Maine’s employers and opportunities for our graduates to address the “greying out” of Maine’s workforce and stem the “brain drain” outmigration of our young adults.
- Reduces the time lost due to scheduling difficulties and transportation
- Aligns programs and technical studies to meet the needs of employers in high-wage, high demand jobs in Maine
- Supports the economic development of Brunswick Landing and the MidCoast area.
- Improves the relevance of academic studies, student motivation and achievement
- Provides college credits and industry credentials for our students
- Reduces cost and time associated with post-secondary study through advanced concurrent enrollment, dual enrollment and articulation agreements between our high school and Maine colleges.